Quantum Teleportation Is a Real Thing! Glimpse into the Future

08 July 2023
10 min read
Hrant Gharibyan
Co-founder & CEO
Quantum teleportation explained

Imagine instantly transmitting particles from one point in space to another – no, it's not science fiction; it's quantum teleportation at its finest!

In this exploration, we'll debunk the concept of quantum teleportation and clarify its practical applications. While it might not involve teleporting people or objects as seen in sci-fi movies, quantum teleportation has the potential to transform secure communication, revolutionize computing, and redefine how we send information across distances. Join us on this journey through the intriguing world of quantum teleportation, where the line between science and magic blurs, offering a glimpse into the extraordinary possibilities of quantum technology in our future.

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The Fundamentals of Quantum Computing

For quantum enthusiasts eagerly wondering whether quantum teleportation is a real phenomenon or merely a creation of science fiction, this article shows an in-depth exploration of its main principles, scientific underpinnings, and the far-reaching implications it holds for our quantum future.

Quantum computing operates on the principles of quantum mechanics, a paradigm that sets it apart from traditional computing. In classical computing, information is conveyed through bits, taking the values of 0 or 1. As a result, quantum computers can explore large solution areas far faster than classical computers can.

But it goes further than that. Another crucial concept is quantum entanglement, which enables qubits to exchange information no matter how far apart. This feature has profound implications for secure communication and the potential to solve complex problems that were previously considered intractable, from cryptography to drug discovery.

Understanding Quantum States

Quantum computing state environment waves

To successfully navigate the quantum computing environment, a solid understanding of quantum states is essential. 

When two or more waves overlap in space, according to the principle of superposition, the resulting disturbance is equal to the algebraic total of the individual disturbances. This theory applies to a wide range of waves, including sound, electromagnetic, and water waves.

Quantum states, like the "building blocks" of quantum information, have some fascinating aspects. One of them is called "entanglement." When qubits get entangled, they connect in a special way, no matter how far apart they are. This connection is immensely useful for things like quantum teleportation and keeping communications secret.

Understanding quantum states involves looking at their math side, where they're usually described as arrows in a special kind of math space. These arrows can change directions and do all sorts of cool stuff when we use quantum gates.

In this section, we'll make quantum states less mysterious, helping you see how they work and why they matter for exciting technologies like quantum teleportation and secure communication.

The Puzzling World of Quantum Entanglement

In the world of quantum physics, quantum entanglement is a captivating phenomenon that defies the boundaries of classical understanding. In essence, it means that certain aspects of one particle in an entangled pair are intertwined with those of the other, regardless of the vast expanse separating them or any obstacles in their path. These particles, which could be electrons or photons, can share information about their states, such as their direction of "spin."

What makes quantum entanglement truly mind-boggling is that when you measure something about one particle in an entangled pair, you instantaneously gain knowledge about the other, even if they are separated by millions of light-years. This instantaneous connection seems to challenge one of the fundamental principles of the universe, leading Albert Einstein to famously dub it "spooky action at a distance."

This perplexing connection lies at the heart of quantum teleportation's potential. When qubits become entangled, they act as information conduits, enabling the transmission of quantum data across vast distances. This breakthrough can potentially transform secure communication and revolutionize the capabilities of quantum computing.

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What Is Quantum Teleportation?

In quantum physics, "teleportation" conjures notions of sci-fi magic, where characters vanish from one spot and reappear instantaneously in another. However, quantum teleportation is a vastly different and equally fascinating phenomenon that defies our traditional understanding of teleportation, making it a captivating concept.

One major restriction to quantum teleportation is that no actual particles or things are moved; quantum information is transmitted from one point to another. Quantum teleportation relies on the concepts of quantum entanglement and superposition, as opposed to the teleportation depicted in Marvel movies, allowing characters to disappear and reappear in completely different places.

Think about two entangled particles that are really far apart, like electrons. Regardless of the physical distance between them, controlling and measuring one of these particles instantly affects the other particle's state. Quantum teleportation is based on this enigmatic relationship.

Quantum information transition teleportation

In essence, quantum teleportation uses the special characteristics of entangled particles to transmit quantum information, such as the quantum state of a particle, from one location to another. It involves reproducing a quantum state at a distance through exact measurements and quantum entanglement rather than the transportation of matter itself.

This remarkable phenomenon, while distinct from the teleportation seen in pop culture, holds enormous promise for secure communication and quantum computing.

How Does Quantum Teleportation Work?

The process of quantum teleportation begins with two entangled particles, often called "Alice" and "Bob," each located in different places. Alice wants to teleport the quantum state of a third particle, "Charlie," to Bob without physically moving Charlie.

Here's a simplified step-by-step breakdown:

1. Entanglement Creation: Alice and Bob initially create an entangled pair of particles, ensuring they share correlated quantum states.

2. Charlie's Interaction: Alice brings Charlie in contact with her particle from the entangled pair, causing their quantum states to become intertwined through a process known as quantum measurement.

3. Communication: Alice then communicates the outcomes of her measurement to Bob through classical means. This information doesn't reveal the exact state of Charlie but provides essential details about the entanglement between Charlie and Alice's particle.

4. Bob's Action: Armed with Alice's measurement results, Bob applies specific quantum operations to his entangled particle. These operations manipulate its state based on the information received from Alice.

5. Teleportation Complete: Bob's particle now assumes the quantum state that originally belonged to Charlie, effectively teleporting Charlie's state to Bob's location.

Crucially, during this process, Charlie's state is destroyed or, more precisely, transferred to Bob's particle, ensuring the fundamental principle of quantum "no-cloning." This means that quantum teleportation can't be used for duplicating quantum information, making it an invaluable tool for secure communication and quantum computing.

3 Most Prominent Quantum Teleportation Experiments

Quantum teleportation, a phenomenon straight out of the world of quantum mechanics, has captivated scientists and enthusiasts with its potential to redefine the boundaries of information transfer. This intriguing process enables the instantaneous transmission of quantum information from one location to another, defying the constraints of physical separation. 

These experiments are reshaping our understanding of quantum physics and paving the way for transformative advancements in secure communication, quantum computing, and the development of a quantum internet.

1. Teleportation by Anton Zeilinger

Quantum teleportation Anton Zeilinger

Anton Zeilinger's groundbreaking experiment in quantum teleportation stands as a pivotal moment in the history of quantum physics. In 2017, his Austrian research team achieved a remarkable feat by teleporting quantum information across an astonishing distance of 143 kilometers. This accomplishment was made possible through the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, a concept first famou2. Teleportation Experiment by the University of Tokyosly described by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in their EPR paradox.

In Zeilinger's experiment, entangled photons played a central role. These particles became intertwined in a way that the state of one photon instantly affected the state of the other, irrespective of the vast physical separation. This instantaneous connection is what underpins the foundation of quantum teleportation.

Beyond its scientific significance, Zeilinger's achievement opened doors to practical applications in quantum communication and computing. The secure transmission of quantum information over such long distances is crucial for the development of unhackable quantum communication networks.

2. Teleportation Experiment by the University of Tokyo

Teleportation experiment by tokio university

In 2021, the University of Tokyo made significant strides in the field of quantum data teleportation, four years after Anton Zeilinger's groundbreaking achievement. Their experiment was remarkable not for the immense distance covered but for its practical implications. While Zeilinger's success spanned 143 kilometers, the University of Tokyo demonstrated quantum teleportation over a shorter distance, emphasizing the practicality of the technology. 

This achievement is pivotal in bridging the gap between fundamental research and real-world applications. It underscores the feasibility of quantum teleportation in practical scenarios, which is crucial for the development of ultra-secure quantum communication networks. These networks promise unbreakable encryption, safeguarding sensitive information in an increasingly connected world.

Moreover, the success of the University of Tokyo experiment is a stepping stone towards realizing the potential of quantum computing. Is teleportation real? It is a fundamental operation in quantum computing circuits, and the ability to execute it reliably in practical settings brings us closer to solving complex problems that were previously beyond our reach.

3. Experiment by the National Institute of Standards and Technology

In 2015, a groundbreaking experiment conducted by physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) added a new dimension to the evolving field of quantum teleportation. Their achievement involved the successful teleportation of quantum information across an impressive distance of approximately 100 kilometers. This accomplishment marked a crucial milestone in the development of quantum communication technologies.

The significance of the NIST experiment lies in its demonstration of the scalability of quantum teleportation. While previous experiments had focused on shorter distances, NIST's success showcased the feasibility of extending quantum teleportation over substantial spans. In this section, we'll delve into the intricacies of quantum teleportation explained, shedding light on how it forms the backbone of these revolutionary communication networks.

4. Google's Experiment on Wormhole 

In 2022, Google, in collaboration with researchers, embarked on a groundbreaking experiment. It took a metaphorical leap into science fiction by creating a "wormhole" for quantum information. While the term "wormhole" here doesn't refer to a cosmic shortcut but rather to a quantum channel, it symbolizes the experiment's groundbreaking nature.

This innovative approach utilized a quantum computer to facilitate the transmission of quantum information between two widely separated qubits.

The significance of this achievement lies in its introduction of novel concepts in quantum teleportation. It hinted at the possibility of manipulating spacetime at the quantum level for information transfer, exploring the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics in ways previously unexplored.

Google's experiment opened doors to new avenues of research, potentially redefining our understanding of the quantum world and its relationship with spacetime. 

These four remarkable quantum energy teleportation experiments underscore the continuous progress in harnessing the power of quantum mechanics for transmitting information across vast distances, revolutionizing fields from secure communication to computing. As quantum teleportation continues to evolve, it holds the promise of transforming our technological landscape in unprecedented ways.

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Applications and Challenges in Quantum Teleportation

The instantaneous transmission of quantum information over great distances is known as quantum teleportation, and it has a wide range of practical uses. However, it also presents significant challenges that must be addressed for practical implementation.


1. Quantum Communication: Quantum teleportation has the potential to revolutionize secure communication. By teleporting quantum states, it enables the creation of unhackable quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. When two parties share entangled particles, and one performs a measurement, the state of the other particle changes instantly. 

2. Quantum Computing: Quantum bits (qubits) can be teleported between different quantum gates, facilitating complex calculations. This enables the development of quantum algorithms that can solve problems exponentially faster than classical computers. 

3. Quantum Internet: Building on quantum communication, quantum teleportation is a cornerstone of the emerging quantum internet. It promises secure, instantaneous global communication using entangled particles as information carriers. 

4. Quantum Sensing and Metrology: Quantum teleportation can enhance precision measurements. For example, quantum-entangled sensors can be teleported to distant locations, allowing synchronized measurements. This has applications in geodesy, where precise measurements of Earth's shape and gravitational field are vital, and in developing ultra-precise atomic clocks for navigation systems and fundamental physics experiments.


1. Quantum Resource Requirements: Quantum teleportation typically requires entangled particles, which are challenging to create and maintain. Ensuring a constant supply of high-quality entangled particles over long distances is daunting, particularly for global-scale quantum communication networks.

2. Quantum Decoherence: Quantum information is highly susceptible to environmental interference, leading to decoherence – the loss of quantum properties. Maintaining the coherence of qubits during teleportation is a significant challenge, especially for large-scale quantum computing and secure communication.

3. Infrastructure and Compatibility: Developing the infrastructure for quantum teleportation on a large scale presents logistical challenges. Ensuring compatibility with existing classical systems and protocols while maintaining the integrity of quantum information is a complex task.

The Bottom Line

Quantum teleportation, though not science fiction, is a groundbreaking reality. It has practical applications such as unhackable quantum communication, quantum computing's exponential power, and the promise of a quantum internet. However, challenges include sourcing entangled particles, preventing quantum information loss (decoherence), and building compatible infrastructure.

The key to entering this quantum frontier is BlueQubit. It provides accessible access to high-speed quantum computers and leverages quantum entanglement for ultra-secure communication. Quantum teleportation might not involve disappearing people, but it's reshaping communication and computing. Explore the quantum future with BlueQubit and become part of the transformative journey. 

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