Quantum Data Loading

2 April 2024
10 min read
Hayk Tepanyan
Co-founder & CTO
Quantum data loading

In the rapidly evolving field of quantum computing, quantum data loading represents a foundational step that bridges the gap between classical data and quantum information processing. As the inception point for almost all quantum algorithms, understanding and optimizing data loading is crucial for harnessing the full potential of quantum computing, especially in machine learning applications. This blog post delves into the intricacies of quantum data loading, explores common methods, and introduces a novel approach developed by our team at BlueQubit that significantly advances the efficiency and scalability of this process.

What is Quantum Data Loading?

Quantum data loading is the process of encoding classical data into a quantum computer to facilitate quantum computation. This step is pivotal because it translates the model of a real-world problem into a format that a quantum computer can process and analyze. The data could take various forms, such as vectors or matrices for algorithms like Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL), images for quantum machine learning algorithms, or states describing molecular ground states in quantum chemistry applications. Given the diverse applications and the critical role of this process, optimizing quantum data loading is a primary focus in quantum computing research.

Common Methods for Quantum Data Loading

Traditional approaches to quantum data loading often rely on methods that scale poorly, requiring an exponential number of gates. These approaches, while intuitive from a classical perspective, fail to leverage the quantum computer's capability to represent complex states through entanglement. A more sophisticated strategy involves the use of Quantum Circuit Born Machines (QCBMs). QCBMs represent a method to learn a quantum circuit that prepares a quantum state mirroring the desired data. Our approach builds upon QCBMs, introducing two innovations: an enhanced method for learning in variational circuits and a practical implementation that scales to large quantum circuits with up to 30 qubits and 1000 parameters.

Hierarchical Learning for Quantum Data Loading

Addressing the challenges associated with training deep variational circuits, we propose a hierarchical learning method (see arXiv:2311.12929) tailored for QCBMs with a large number of qubits. This approach leverages the structure of bitstring measurements and their correlation with the samples they represent. Recognizing that the correlations between the most significant (qu)bits are disproportionately important for smooth distributions, our hierarchical learning methods initiate training with a smaller subset of qubits. This initial stage focuses on a coarse-grained version of the distribution, which then informs the configuration of a larger, more complex circuit. 

Newly added qubits are initialized in the |+⟩ state, facilitating even amplitude distribution for bitstrings with identical prefixes, thereby approximating the finer details of the distribution more effectively.

To enhance the interpretability of our QCBM's performance, we monitor the total variational (TV) distance between the target distribution and the distribution generated by our model. The TV distance provides a quantitative measure of how closely our quantum model approximates the desired data distribution. This measure is particularly useful for comparing performances across QCBMs of different sizes and configurations, offering insights into the scalability and efficiency of our hierarchical learning approach.

Loading Distributions with Hierarchical Learning

At the heart of our technique lies the ability to load various distributions into quantum computers with unprecedented accuracy. Traditional methods, such as naive Quantum Circuit Born Machines (QCBM), fall short in terms of precision and efficiency - particularly on large scale experiments. Our method, however, utilizes hierarchical learning to achieve remarkable results in loading 1D, 2D, and 3D normal distributions.

1D Normal Distribution Loading

The process begins with the iterative loading of a 1D normal distribution. Each iteration refines the distribution's accuracy, gradually aligning it with the desired outcome. This method not only surpasses the capabilities of QCBM but also ensures a higher fidelity in the representation of quantum states. The final results of this process are not just impressive; they're a testament to the potential of hierarchical learning in quantum data processing.

The learning process of a 1D Gaussian Distribution

Multi-dimensional Normal Distribution Loading

Expanding our technique to 2D and 3D normal distributions further demonstrates its versatility and effectiveness. Through successive iterations, we observed a consistent decrease in loss, and the learned distribution increasingly resembled the target distribution. These experiments, conducted on IBM quantum machines with the collaboration of Q-CTRL, underscore the practicality and scalability of our method. For an in-depth exploration of these experiments, we encourage readers to visit Q-CTRL's blog post.

The learning process of a 2D Gaussian Distribution

Loading MNIST Data into Quantum Computers

Our technique's application extends beyond loading distributions; it can also be applied to the loading of image data into quantum systems. We experimented with the MNIST dataset, utilizing just 10 qubits, and achieved results that far surpass the current state-of-the-art. Not only did we manage to obtain 2x better accuracy, but we also reduced the number of required entangling gates by half. The comparison between the loaded and original MNIST images vividly illustrates the efficacy of our approach. We plan to release a comprehensive dataset of MNIST images loaded using our technique, which will undoubtedly serve as a valuable resource for further research.

The Future for Quantum Data Loading

The significance of efficient quantum data loading cannot be overstated. It stands as a foundational component of quantum computing, pivotal for the execution of complex algorithms and the realization of quantum advantage. Our technique represents a significant leap forward in this domain, offering a scalable and accurate method for data loading.

By addressing the challenge of quantum data loading, we not only facilitate the practical application of quantum computing across various fields but also pave the way for exponential speedups in fundamental operations such as linear algebra, matrix multiplication, and vector products. The potential for our data loading technique to serve as a cornerstone for future advancements in quantum computing is immense.

Access and Collaboration

Our quantum data loader is available through BlueQubit's Team tier, inviting interested parties to join us in this exciting journey towards unlocking the full capabilities of quantum systems.

As we continue to refine and expand our techniques, we remain committed to contributing to the quantum computing community's collective knowledge and capabilities. We believe that through collaboration and innovation, we can overcome the challenges of today and unlock the immense possibilities of tomorrow's quantum era.

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